Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Chef's Day Off #3

With the arrival of Wednesday, it's time to sit back, relax, and take the day off. Last week's recipes looked tasty, but one recipe just caught my eye (more specifically, my wife's eye). Thanks to Jovana over at Taste of August, we'll be enjoying some tasty Reese's Brownies with Peanut Butter Frosting.

Now it's your turn. Link up your recipes to inspire me for next week.

The Official Chef's Day Off Link Party Rules
1. Post a link to any recipe post on your blog (not your main page)
2. Follow me on Facebook or Twitter or GFC (optional, but courteous)
3. Link back to my blog by using the button on my side bar (optional, but courteous)

1 comment:

  1. Hi John,
    Thanks for inviting us to your party.

    Our party goes live tonight. We hope to see you there!

    The Busy Bee's,
    Myrna and Joye.


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